Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Keeping It Cool.

Here we are, the middle of July and the temperatures are on the rise.  So, where is that sound that brings out our childhood delight?  “What sound?”, you ask.  It is the jingle, the jingle played by the Good Humor or Mr. Softee truck.  All the kids lining up, at the usual stop, money in hand, to buy soft serve cones, rocket pops, éclair or strawberry shortcake. 

Ah, but where I lived, as a kid, we had one more sound that would get us excited in summer’s heat.  “What sound?”, you ask.  It was the “ding-ding”, no, not “dun-dun”; I am not doing an episode of Law and Order here.  “Ding-ding” of the bicycle bell located on the handlebar, and attached to the bicycle was a freezer on wheels, carrying cherry, lemon, grape and, my personal favorite, chocolate Italian ices.  Getting out a scoop and pleated paper cup, the Italian ice man would fill the cup, pressing down to get the most inside, and then rounding out the top in a mound.  It was sweet, it turned our tongues different colors, you could drink it as it melted inside the cup, but most important of all, it was cold.

What is Italian ice?  Origin, of course, is Italian, but even there it is debated on what region.  Supposedly, it is traced back to ancient Rome and the Apennine Mountain Range which runs through the center of Italy.  Snow was always on the mountain tops, gathered in the warmer months, mixed with fruit, and was a refreshing treat in the sweltering heat.  However, in Sicily, the same claim is made, but the snow came from Mount Etna.  In Rome, it was called sorbetto; in Sicily, it was called granita, and while both used fresh fruit, an added sweetener was also included and that was honey.

Between 1880 and 1924, poverty in Southern Italy and Sicily forced many a citizen, of these regions, to immigrate to America.  Italians became the fifth largest ethnic group in the USA, and the country benefited from their many skills, including culinary.  So, is it any wonder that Italian ices did not become a huge hit, during the summer months.  The cities were crowded, even back then, with street carts, people walking to and from employment, children playing, and others just going through day-to-day existence.  Concrete buildings and cobblestone streets created virtual oven-like conditions with the heat pressing down, and no ventilation.  One could not just go to the local convenience store, open the refrigerated section and grab a “cold one”. 

Nowadays, we take a luxury like this for granted.

Ah, but here came the Italian ice man, with his icy confections keeping cool with block ice.  It was momentary relief, but it still hit the spot.

Italian ice, sorbet and sherbet, are they not all the same product?  Yes and no.  They all, if the manufacturer cares about the quality, use pureed fresh fruit, ice and a natural sweetener like sugar or honey.  However, sherbet adds another ingredient, a dairy product of milk, heavy cream or buttermilk.  The added fat gives the sherbet a smoother texture equating it more to ice cream than an “ice”.  If shopping for any of these in a market’s frozen section, read the labels!  Some have artificial flavors and colors, and lots of sugar added, to fool you into thinking you are eating real fruit.  Chances are, if the product states, “no sugar added”, real fruit which contains natural sugar itself, is your main ingredient.

Can Italian ice be homemade?  You betcha!  Back in the 1990s (aka the late 1900s), Martha Steward did a show on making “granita”, or the Sicilian version of Italian ice.  Of course, she touted it as a very fancy dessert that would “wow your guests”.  Anyway, three basic ingredients are needed: fresh fruit, ice and a sweetener.  When making a citrus flavored ice, an additional tablespoon of freshly squeezed juice will give added flavor, and a zing to the tongue.  Berries can be put into the blender whole, except for large strawberries which should be quarter, and green part removed of course.  Larger fruit should be peeled and also cut up.


Homemade Italian Ice


3 cups fresh fruit  

2 Tbsp. honey or granulated sugar

3 cups ice (small cubes or crushed)

Option: one Tbsp. freshly squeezed juice of same fruit being used.


In a food processor or blender, blend the fruit, honey or sugar, optional juice, and 2 cups of ice until chunky. Add remaining one cup of ice and blend until completely smooth. Taste to see if more sweetener is necessary.

Pour the mixture into a 9” x 13” glass baking dish and freeze for 30 minutes. Remove dish from freezer and scrape with a fork until slushy. Continue to freeze for another 2 hours, repeating scraping once per hour.

Scoop the ice into dessert cups.  The ice will be of a chunky looking consistency, if a smoother texture is desired, let it sit out for about five minutes.  Warm the scoop slightly and run it over the top of the ice to smooth out the bumps.

Makes 4 cups.

Pioneer Day Weekend celebrations will be here soon, wonder if a vendor will be cooling our tongues down with a nice fruity ice?

Mary Cokenour

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Indulging the Exotic; Review of Galil Brands.

Indulging the exotic, what exactly does this mean?  Oxford Dictionary defines exotic as, “Originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country.”  Encyclopedia Britannica denotes it as, “very different, strange, or unusual”.  Well now, depending on where in the world Waldo is, every place and everything can be defined as exotic. 

Large cities have the advantage of allowing diversity to reign freely.  Yes, cultural communities may have a strong footing in one particular area of the city.  Those interested in, and wanting to experience, the different cultures will travel to the areas.  Music, dancing, artwork, even religious beliefs open up the minds to newness throughout our small planet.  However, it is the foods and beverages of the community that open up, widely, the senses of sight, smell and taste.  Sadly though, more often than not, many do not seek out the “very different, strange or unusual”.  Fear of the unknown is too strong for some, and we all know that fear is the mind killer.

Living on the east coast, and especially within a short travel distance to New York City, experiencing the exotic was easy.  Within Brooklyn itself, when I lived there back in the 1960s, and visited during the 1970s, Italian, Croatian, Norwegian, and the Jewish communities had much to offer.  Parades, festivals, bakeries, delicatessens, restaurants, and all the small “mom and pop” grocery shops were a learning experience, especially when it came to foods and beverages.

So, when I think of exotic, the food items I will tell you about now were readily available, and normal (such an overrated word) for me, while to you, they might sound, once more, “very different, strange or unusual”.


Recently, I found an online site that offered products created and shipped in from Israel, and many items used in Jewish recipes.  Galil Brands ( has been in business, since 1985, offer customer quality products at reasonable prices, from several countries, not just Israel.  Orders of $35 or more have free shipping, and the products from Israel are kosher.  Why is being kosher so important?  Did you ever see that commercial for Hebrew National hotdogs, the one with Uncle Sam about to eat a hotdog full of additives, fillers and by-products?  But the narrator states, “Hebrew National is kosher, as we have to answer to a higher authority”.  So, what does kosher mean?   The Hebrew word "kosher" means fit or proper as it relates to kosher dietary law.  While it is not necessary for a rabbi to bless the foods, a company will have a rabbi on staff to supervise the processing, and make sure it follows “biblical” quality standards.  The rabbi will inspect ingredients added to foods, and the foods themselves, to make sure no contaminants taint the products.  Therefore, no FDA allowable amounts of bug parts, rodent droppings or animal hairs.  Yes, I am grossed out too, so let’s get on to the products you might see as exotic, and I only see as hitting the yummy spot of the tummy.


Turkish Delight, I bet the first time you have heard of this confection was either reading The Chronicles of Narnia, or watching the movies.  In the story, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Turkish delight is a symbol of Edmund's mistakes and his want for something so much that he will hurt others to get it.


Turkish Delight is a candy made with starch and sugar that commonly comes in flavors like rose, orange, lemon or mint.  Cut into small squares, to resemble jewels, this powdered sugar covered treat (lokum in Turkish) became popular in Turkey at the final quarter of the 18th century. The confectioner Hacı Bekir Effendi, arrived in Constantinople (Istanbul today) from Anatolia in 1776, and invented Turkish Delight.  While eating the candy, the flavorings start out mild and intensify as chewed, with the powdered sugar giving a delightful sweetness.  Created in Turkey and delightfully sweet…Turkish Delight!


Cinnamon Walnut Cake is basically coffee cake without the brown sugar streusel over top, and/or layered within.  This cake comes in a rectangular shaped, single layer loaf and is strongly flavored with cinnamon, and chopped walnuts.  Most coffee cake recipes use some type of dairy product for added moistness to the cake.  Due to being kosher, the only liquids used are eggs and simple syrup (water plus sugar), so the cake might seem dry at first, but continue eating and it simply gets better and better.


Halva, aka Halvah, originates from the Egyptian word “halawa” meaning sweet confection.  Historically, this sweet treat dates back to about 3000 BCE, and is credited to Persia (Iran today).  Similar to fudge, but a crumblier texture, it is typically made by mixing tahini, a paste of ground sesame seeds, with heated sugar syrup, cooled into a brick form, and then sliced into individual pieces. Flavorings are usually vanilla, chocolate, pistachio, or marble (vanilla/chocolate swirled). Luckily, Galil offers a sugar-free variety, and it is just as delicious as the halva made with real sugar.


Roasted Chestnuts, back in the December 14, 2022 issue of the San Juan Record, I wrote about chestnuts, and mentioned the Galil brand then.  At that time, the chestnuts in the packets were an unsightly, and appetite killing, greyish color.  Not so any longer!  The chestnuts are a variety of light to dark brown, just as roasted chestnuts are expected to look like.  The flavor is full on chestnut, and while the packet says to refrigerate after opening, and will last seven days; no, maybe two days maximum as they are addicting.


Dried figs are a good source of calcium and fiber; they are a good substitute when fresh figs are not available for purchase.  Due to being high in natural sugar, the recommended serving is 2-3 figs per day.  Being dried, they can be difficult to bite apart, and very chewy; but they can be reconstituted in water for easier eating.

Galil Brands offers grocery items, candies and snacks galore; many might sound weird, but they will be a delicious bonus to the taste buds.  So, go for the different, the strange, the unusual…go exotic!

Mary Cokenour



Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Fish and Chips are Not as British as You Think.

July 4, 1776, Independence Day, when the colonists of the New World (America) declared all ties cut from their mother country, Britain.  While the residents of this newly established country might have thought, “Well that’s all done with, time for tea and biscuits”, King George had a whole other thought.  Time for an American history refresher.

Tensions between America and Britain began on March 22, 1765, when British Parliament   passed the Stamp Act or Duties in American Colonies Act.  Colonists had to pay taxes on every page of printed paper they used which also included fees on playing cards, dice, and newspapers.  Britain continued to come up with other types of taxation, but the tax that put the colonists’ knickers in a tight twist was the one on tea.  Tea?  The all-day, every day beverage of every British citizen, young and old!  This tax was just another way to “help” Britain get out of some type of debt, and the colonists were seen as having more money than they needed.  This time, the tea tax was meant to be a bailout policy to get the British East India Company out of debt.  In retaliation, December 16, 1773, Boston Tea Party where 340 chests, of British East India Company Tea, weighing over 92,000 pounds, was dumped into the harbor.

Then Parliament tells the colonists, “Remember the French and Indian War in 1763, and how we defended and saved all your ass-ets?”, now we are upping taxes, so you can pay that off as well.

Tensions grew sky high until, finally, on April 19, 1775, local militiamen fought with British soldiers in the Battles of Lexington and Concord, in Massachusetts.  That famous line, “The shot heard round the world.” signified this engagement as the start of the Revolutionary War.

Ah, so remember when I wrote about Baked Beans (May 7, 2024 issue of the San Juan Record), and that the recipe did not come from Britain?  I am about to blow another recipe bubble up, and this time about a well-known traditional meal, Fish and Chips.  Whether you have been to the UK, watched any number of British based movies or television series, even read any novels, fish and chips is a staple of the British diet.  Cod and haddock have always been the main two species of fish to be used for this dish, but nowadays any firm white fish (cod, pollock, haddock, catfish, perch, or mahi-mahi) is acceptable. Main condiment used is malt vinegar, and an ample seasoning with salt.  The “chips” are not the crispy type that come in a bag for snacking.  No, they are potatoes that are cut either into round or short rectangular shapes, then deep fried to a golden crispness on the outside, but fluffy on the inside.  Oh, what do they call the snack bag type of potatoes?  Crisps…for an obvious reason.


Fish Used: Catfish, and Great for Making Fish Tacos As Well.

So, the true origin of fish and chips goes back, well, for England about the 15th century, but for Portugal, between the 8th and 12th centuries.  Basically, 20 percent of the population of Portugal, known then as Al-Andalus, was Jewish.  Since the Sabbath was on Saturday, and they were not allowed to cook, food was prepared on Friday afternoon that needed to last the next 24 hours. One very popular recipe consisted of white fish (cod or haddock) fried in a thin coating of flour or matzo meal. The batter preserved the fish so it could be eaten cold and still be quite flavorful.  Side note, with the recipe I will be giving, yes, the fish can be eaten cold, the batter is still crispy, not greasy, and the flavor is just as delicious as when it was served hot.

Jump to the 15th century, the Jewish population was driven out by the Spanish Inquisition

("Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!" – Monty Python), driven into England and a cookbook from 1781 gives credit to “the Jews way of preserving and cooking fish”.  Fish and chips became such a popular dish in England, that it is even mentioned in Charles Dickens’ novel, Oliver Twist, as “fried fish warehouses”.  Traditionally, the “serving container” was grease proof wax paper, then wrapped in newspaper as insulation.  Nowadays, wax paper plus unprinted paper is still used, but so are the typical “take-out”, or as they are called there, “take-away”, disposable containers of thick paper or styrofoam.

When I make the batter for the fish, I prefer to use ale; pale ale has a fruity flavor, offsets the use of malt vinegar and salt nicely, and combines with the white wine well.  Do not flinch at the use of alcohol, as it burns off during the frying process.  The whole idea is to go for flavor, not make your fish so drunk it is singing a naughty British pub tune.  However, what you do in the privacy of your own home is no one else’s business (“Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know what I mean, aye?” – Monty Python)





By the way, having left over batter, I cut up a couple of chicken breasts and did the same cooking process for them.  Oh my!  The most delicious fried chicken pieces we have ever had; going back to my old ways of doing it will be difficult indeed.  So, carry on, pip-pip and all that rot.




English Style Fish and Chips



2 cups flour, divided in half (1 cup for batter, 1 cup for dredging)

2 eggs

¾ cup beer or ale

¾ cup milk

¾ cup white wine

½ tsp. cream of tartar

½ tsp. baking powder

¼ tsp. each salt and pepper

peanut oil

6 large potatoes (red skinned or golden yellow), cut roughly into 1” pieces

2 lbs. cod, or any other white meat fish (pollock, flounder), cut into 4” pieces


In a large bowl, combine 1 cup of flour, eggs, beer, milk, wine, cream of tartar, baking powder, salt and pepper. Mix well, cover and chill for 1 hour.





Fill deep fryer to maximum line, or large skillet ½ way up, with canola oil; heat to 375-400F. Cook potatoes until just lightly browned; drain on paper towels; season with salt; transfer to cookie sheet. When done frying, place potatoes in oven (set at 200F) to keep warm.





Remix batter; dredge fish pieces into remaining 1 cup of flour; dip into batter and place in hot oil (3-4 pieces at a time). When batter turns golden brown and begins to puff, drain on paper towels.

Cod Portions

Dredge in Flour


Dredged in Flour, Ready for Batter


Coat in Batter

Cod Coated in Batter


Sizzling in Oil
Flip Portions Over to Complete Frying








Serve fish and chips with tartar sauce, malt vinegar or any other desired condiment.

Makes 4 servings.

Mary Cokenour



Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Breakfast In and Around San Juan County, Utah.


Traveling around San Juan County, UT, is having adventures throughout a living museum.  Red rocks, arches, hoodoos, sand dunes, ancient carvings and paintings, mountains, forest, desert, wildlife, and sage brush as far as the eyes can see.  That is just the landscape, in general, then there are the small towns harboring museums, shops, welcome centers and restaurants.

Locals, whether born and raised, or moved from other states, have respect for this area blessed by nature; and learn its ins and outs like the backs of their own hands.  Tourists come here all year round, many well informed, many others winging it.  The welcome centers provide various documents of information, and the employees are looked upon as extensions of internet search engines.  I should know that well, as I was one of those workers for over six years.

So, an adventure is in the works, early morning rise, and where to and what to do.  Before starting any great adventure, a good, hearty breakfast is called for, and many restaurants in and around the county provide just that.  Imagine, you are seated, order placed, and the 2024 edition of the San Juan Record’s 101 Ways to Experience San Juan County is opened up.  The oohs and aahs, the “I want to see that!” and “I need to do that!” uttered repeatedly.  Then breakfast arrives…

You might now be asking, “Where are these breakfast places?”, and I am going to tell you of our own dining adventures.  Please note, if your personal favorite is not listed, sorry, but there was, more than likely, a very good reason why they were bypassed.

San Juan County, UT




High Desert Café

516 North Main St. (Hwy 191)

(435) 210-4441

Open Wed thru Mon, 8am to 2pm; Closed Tues.


Offerings are Bagel Sandwiches, Egg Platters and Sweets such as pancakes and French toast.  Smoothies are available, and freshly roasted coffee.


A big seller, and my personal favorite, is the Breakfast Panini consisting of 2 eggs, choice of meat (bacon is thick and crisp), cheddar cheese on grilled sourdough.







Ja-Roen Thai & Sushi

380 South Main St. (Hwy 191)

(435) 587-4000

Open Mon thru Sun, 7am to 10pm


Do not let the name fool you, even though they have excellent Thai and Japanese menus for lunch and dinner, this local restaurant offers American style breakfasts plus two Thai meals.  The chefs went through a lot of training to learn how to prepare all the dishes quickly and correctly.



Western Omelet


Personal favorite is the Eggs Benedict consisting of two poached eggs, grilled ham and luscious Hollandaise sauce.  The potato side is cut into fan-like shapes that are crisp on the outside, but fluffy inside.  The coffee is strong, so you will be very wide awake for adventuring.






The Over Bite

133 East Center St. (Hwy 491)

(435) 777-2749

Open Mon thru Sat, 7am to 8pm; Sun 9am to 8pm


Offerings are Breakfast Toasts, Bagel Sandwiches and Bagels and Spreads; there is a huge variety under each heading, so basically something for anyone’s tastes.


Personal favorite is the Bacon, Egg and Cheese on an everything bagel plus a Blended Coffee flavored with caramel syrup.  Just the correct amount of both to get the body moving, and aching for a good hike, climb, or both!









Cedar Shack Café

2625 US-191 (within the property of Bluff Dwellings Resort and Spa)

(435) 672-2319

Open Mon thru Sun, 7am to 9pm


Offerings are Omelets, Breakfast Burrito, Egg Platter, Avocado Toast, French Toast and Muffins.

As the name denotes, this is a simple building where ordering is done at the counter, and orders are picked up as they are ready.  This is the perfect place for either a sit-down breakfast, or a grab n’ go before heading out for a hike, climb, or boating down the San Juan River.


The Omelets come packed with meat (bacon is thick, crisp and plentiful) and cheese; the wheat toast has tiny seeds and chopped nuts for added texture and flavor.  Only issue we found was the hash browns were barely cooked, cold, liberally seasoned with black pepper and definitely not our style.  The omelets and wheat toast made up for that.  The coffee is delicious, so do not be surprised finding yourself purchasing another to-go.

Cow Canyon Coffee

163 Mission Rd. (Hwy 191 and 162, next to Cow Canyon Trading Post)

(435) 749-1036

Open Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, 7am-1pm; Sat and Sun 8am-2pm. Closed Tues.


Besides a multitude of hot and iced coffees, hot teas, cocoa, cider, iced tea and lemonade are offered.  Baked goods of scones and muffins are baked up fresh, daily on premises. An egg dish and tofu scramble are also on the menu.  While this is a relatively new business in Bluff, owner Hannah is very happy, and appreciative, about the steady business given by local followers.


Personal favorite is the Strawberry Rhubarb Scone, crisp and sweet outside, fluffy inside packed with pieces of strawberry.  Yes, hubby and I did haggle over the crumbs.

Twin Rocks Café

913 East Navajo Twins Dr. (off Hwy 191)

(435) 672-2341

Open Fri to Tues, 8am to 3pm; Closed Wed and Thurs.


The breakfast menu here is extensive, with so many choices, it might take a few minutes to make a definite decision.  Omelets, burritos, sweet offerings of Peaches de Chelly or Navajo Blue Corn Pancakes, and a variety of egg platters.  Still cannot decide, then go for The Goat (eggs, meat, potatoes, frybread, butter and honey) or The Bluebird Special (eggs, meat, blue corn pancakes, butter and warm syrup).


No, we could not decide, so we ordered The Goat and The Bluebird Special.  While we each got the eggs cooked in the style we liked, and our favorite choice of meat, we shared samplings of the frybread, potatoes and blue corn pancakes together.  So good, so very good, and the coffee was fresh, hot and kept on coming!   Chef Frances does an excellent job, teaches her staff well, and is appreciated by both diners and staff.

The Bluebird Special


The Goat

Outside San Juan County, but Close Enough


Dove Creek, Colorado (only 20 minutes, along Hwy. 491 East, from Monticello)


Dove Creek Dinner Bell

546 US-491

(970) 677-2211

Open Tues to Fri, 7am to 7pm, Sat and Sun, 7am to 2pm, Closed Mon.


Dining at the Dinner Bell is similar to dining with family, even though not related, and basically strangers.  Everyone there greets everyone coming in, whether they know you or not.  It is not simply a place frequented by town locals, but by ranchers, farmers, truckers and folks from all walks of life.  It is definitely not fancy, but it is homey and welcoming, and that matters the most. 


Stick to the ribs breakfast platters are offered: Biscuits and Gravy, Country Fried Steak, Omelets, Egg Platters, Pancake Stacks, French Toast and a Smothered Burrito with, what else, a choice of red or green chili.


Hubby’s favorite is a Full Plate of Crap, yes, I said Crap.  You name the breakfast item and it is probably in the pile.  If you really need to know, just ask, and owner Charlotte will happily tell you. 






There you have it, our personal breakfast adventures.  Whether you reside in the area, just outside of it, or traveling a distance, definitely make the effort to have a breakfast experience in and around San Juan County, UT.

Mary Cokenour











Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Breakfast Teaser.

For the past few months, Roy and I have been traveling in, and around, San Juan County to find, and dine on, breakfast.  Just as I think we are done, someone will mention another restaurant that, “You just have to try!”  So, that article is still in its developmental stage, but hopefully will appear in a June issue of the San Juan Record.

Until then, I think a little teaser about breakfast would be a good introduction.  The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines breakfast as: “1. the first meal of the day especially when taken in the morning. 2. the food prepared for a breakfast. eat your breakfast.”  The 1st definition seems to be worldwide; the 2nd?  Why do dictionaries define a word, using the same word? Before I digress further, while the intent of a breakfast is to feed the body upon waking, it goes further than that nowadays.  Having “breakfast” food for brunch, lunch or dinner is not unusual any longer.  Workers of 2nd and 3rd shifts come home in the early morning hours, and what is there to eat?  Breakfast! 

Why is breakfast so important?  According to medical studies, it breaks the body’s fasting during overnight sleep.  It jump starts metabolism, helps the body burn more calories during the day, and basically is the fuel to get you moving.  According to an article, written by Christy C. Tangney, PhD, a professor of clinical nutrition at Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL,

“Various studies have found different benefits of starting your day with breakfast, including:

    Having a lower BMI

    Consuming less fat through the day

    Meeting recommendations for fruit and vegetable consumption

    Having higher daily calcium intake

    Having higher daily fiber intake

    Having better performance (memory and attention) (for school-aged children)”

Worldwide, what the residents of one country, or culture, refer to as breakfast, may seem very unusual to the country/culture of another.  In America, the usual staples are: eggs, a protein (sausage, bacon, ham), cheese, pancakes, waffles, oatmeal, toast and potatoes (hash browns or home fries).  Now take, for example, Japan where the morning meal consists of: grilled fish, steamed rice, miso soup and pickled vegetables.  For us, here in the USA, sounds more like a lunch or dinner; but it is simply what makes the world go round…cultural diversity.

…and guess what, depending on where you live, or were born and raised, the breakfast you enjoy having might be seen as “foreign” in other states.  In the south, and many of the southwestern states, a typical breakfast would be biscuits and gravy, country fried steak, chicken and waffles, and a side of grits instead of potatoes.  The southwestern states also have a huge influence from Mexico, so do not be surprised to see some type of breakfast burrito, huevos rancheros, and green chili on the menu.


In the tri-states of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, the full-on breakfast was usually eggs, potatoes, meat, toast and pancakes; the “heart attack” special.   


Heart Attack Special

Full Breakfast with Hash Browns

However, the breakfast that all high school and college students, and workers of every class were drawn to the most was, the breakfast sandwich.  A kaiser roll (poppy seed covered), buttered and browned on the grill, along side two frying eggs, bacon; then topped with melting cheese, ketchup, salt and pepper.  Oh yes, coffee was a must, and those who asked for tea got a very strange look from the guys behind the counter.


Buttered Roll Toasting Next to Frying Eggs.

All the Ingredients Ready to be Put Together.
The Breakfast Sandiwich.

So, consider this a breakfast teaser, something to get your mind focused on my upcoming article, “Breakfast In, and Around, San Juan County”.  Oh, while you are thinking, do not be surprised if your mouth starts watering, since your taste buds just woke up and are hungry for breakfast.

Mary Cokenour

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Pecans, The All-American Nut.

The first time I ever got to visit Disney World, in Florida, was in 1979.  It was spring break and the sorority I was in decided we would vacation in Fort Lauderdale.  Going to Florida was a first for me as well, as my family did not do any vacationing at all. At that time, there was only The Magic Kingdom to visit; Epcot had just started construction.  Let me just say that being a college student, and the craziness of spring break, did not mesh well with me.  So, it was not until I was married, and became a mom, that a return to Florida was called for.

Vacation time saved up, two weeks would allow for seeing all we could cram in, and be able to drive to and from Florida along Interstate 95.  We crossed over massive bridges, stopped at off the highway, hole-in-the wall restaurants, and collected souvenirs for each state we passed through.  It was like a whirl wind turn of the east coast, so exciting, and, most of all, fun!  As we got further south, we began to see signs touting “Come see the 20-foot alligator”, and yes, we stopped to see.  Oh, there never was an alligator, that was just a ruse to get tourists to stop in.  However, it was not all wasted time as many of these places sold, by the bag, bushel and barrel, pecans.  Shelled, unshelled, roasted, seasoned, raw, whole, chopped, smashed; did not matter, it was pecan heaven.

Can you figure out where I am going with this now?  I bet the majority of you are saying, “pecan pie”, and you would be wrong.  Yes, pecan pie is a southern USA recipe, which supposedly originated in the late 1800s from Patti's Restaurant in Grand Rivers, Kentucky.  Of course, there are other southern states which make claim to being the first to invent the recipe.  However, it was the Native Americans who were cooking and mashing up the nuts, not just for their edible quality, but for medicinal reasons as well.

The pecan is a species of hickory tree that is native to the southern United States, and northern Mexico. Pecan originates from “pacane,” an Algonquian word that means “need stone to crack”.  While the pecan does have a hard, protective shell, they can be cracked easily using one of four methods.  Allowing the nuts to dry out, for two weeks, helps with the cracking process.  First method is placing two nuts in your palm, and then squeezing them together until you hear a “crack” sound.  Definitely a good technique for those wanting to build up strength in the hands.  Second and third methods are similar, use a store-bought nutcracker, or a hammer straight out of the toolbox.  With the hammer method, wrap the pecans in a towel before whacking at them, or they will fly everywhere. Fourth method is to boil them in water for about 15 minutes to soften the shells.  Let them cool, and the shells should peel right off; similar to the boiled peanuts that are popular in the southern states.


So, why no recipe for pecan pie from me?  Actually, it is not a favorite in our home; the overwhelming gooiness of the pie is not appealing.  Oh, one exception is if I bake up a chocolate pecan pie, as the chocolate gives a firmer texture to the filling.  No, instead, I will be giving a recipe for Brown Sugar Pecan Muffins.  These, larger than mini, but smaller than average, muffins pack a gambit of flavor – brown sugar, cinnamon, and, of course, pecans.  One of my taste testers described them as “magical”.  






Oh, and if looking for a tasty dessert idea, warm up a muffin, break it apart a bit, and serve a scoop of ice cream next to it.  The warmth will let the ice cream get melty, and the two together…perfection!






….and here is the recipe for these “magical” muffins.



Brown Sugar Pecan Muffins



1 and ¼ cups light brown sugar

3 eggs

2 cups all-purpose flour, sifted (add 3 Tbsp. for high altitude)

3 tsp. ground cinnamon

1 cup salted butter, melted

1 and ½ cups chopped pecans


Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Line muffin tins with paper liners.


Combine all ingredients, except pecans, by hand, or medium speed on mixer; fold in one cup chopped pecans.


Fill each paper liner 2/3s full; sprinkle with half cup chopped pecans on top. 





Bake for 25-28 minutes, or until toothpick inserted into center comes out clean.


Makes 16.


The 4th of July will be here before we know it.  For your celebration, bake up a batch, or two, of these muffins to celebrate the all-American nut.  Or bake up some now, there will definitely be no regrets.

Mary Cokenour